What They Say About Us

My Little Thieves in the Press

Haya, UAE Moments, SUM, Saudi Moments, Oman Moments, Kuwait Moments, Bahrain Moments, Layalina, and Qatar Moments are all talking about us!
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فقد وظّفت السيدة هلا الخبرة التي اكتسبتها خلال تحضيرها لاستقبال طفليها،
وأطلقت متجرًا يتيح لجميع الأمهات
فرصة اختيار أزياء ومنتجات أوروبية لأطفالهنّ فريدة من نوعها من الفئة المتوسطة،
وغير المتواجدة في الأسواق المتعارف عليها في البلاد العربية.

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Inspired by imagination, creation, and the joy of children, Dubai-based company My Little Thieves are bringing families together with unique and accessible fashions and gifts

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لا شيء يهيئ الأهالي الذين ينتظرون مولودًا جديدًا للحب الذي سيعيشونه
حين يولد طفلهم الصغير. وخلال فترة وجيزة، يسرق هؤلاء الصغار قلوب
والديهم ويغيرون نظرتهما إلى العالم.

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It’s no surprise that when you have children, they steal more than just your heart, but your energy, mind, and so much more.

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For expecting parents, nothing prepares you for the love you’re about to experience when your little one is born. In such a short period of time, these little humans truly steal your heart and change your perspective of the world. As parents of both a little boy and a girl, these little thieves are what made the MLT founders realize that there is so much more that goes into their everyday lives, this includes the clothing and items they choose.

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"They created a platform that caters to children with an array of fun, stylish, and adorable clothing, accessories, and personalized gifts, crafted with care and detail."

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By partnering up with designers and manufacturers that align with MLT’s eco-friendly practices, they are able to uphold their value system and continue to provide their customers with locally and internationally owned items that are sustainable.

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With same-day and next-day delivery, as well as worldwide shipping and easy returns with a click of a button, My Little Thieves is changing the narrative for what it’s like to purchase items thoughtfully made for children.

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"You might be wondering why did I call it My Little Thieves Cause that's exactly how I felt when my children were born. They stole my heart: they stole my time and my energy but in the cutest and most lovable way ever."

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